Banning Usage of Plastic Bags DOES NOT save the Earth

Firstly, I don't give 2 hoots about the Environment - it's pointless, becoz of the number of hypocrites that's occupying this planet. In fact, I think the Indonesians who burns down forest for their farming needs are even more honest than those who profess to be environment saviours but prefers to tackle only the easy issues and turning the blind eye against the real issues which are destroying this earth.

The banning of plastic bags usage only serves to delude the people even more. By not using plastic bags, are u really stopping the Earth from further damage and saving it? Or as some of you would say , this is the best we can do? Or, does some of you say, we're waiting for someone to lead us, then we will support the cause. Those are ALL excuses that makes you a hypocrite ! It does NOT make any difference at all !

Would you even dare to be honest with yourself and tell yourself, it is too small an effort and you need to tackle the real problem to save the Earth? The emission of polluted smoke bellowing 24/7 from the chimneys of palm oil processing factories, the increase in number of vehicles that plies the highways everyday, the clearing of lands to build more towers and commercial buildings. These are the REAL reasons why the earth is degrading, but since I last pointed this out over a year ago, which drew a lot of flak from readers, none of those who critisized me did anything to mention about saving the environment in CB after that.

So don't give me the bulls**t that you support the ban of plastic bags ( yes - I am critisizing LGE of DAP Penang for his shortsightedness on this matter ) because you care for the environment. YOU DON'T . YOU'RE JUST LIKE THE OSTRICH WHO PUT HIDES YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND THINKING THAT WOULD SAVE YOU . And becoz you delude yourself into thinking what you're doing is enough to save the earth, you dont go about trying to do your part in tacking the bigger issues. And that will be the reason why Earth will be doomed sooner or later.

Take out your AK-47s and shoot me with your criticism. Does that save the Earth? Go reflect on that before your close your eyes and sleep soundly tonight.

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